SupplyChain Magazine October 2014 | Page 102


Corporativo UNNE hails back to 1972 , with the opening of a building materials warehouse serving mostly all of the companies involved in PEMEX Miguel Hidalgo refinery ’ s construction , in the city of Tula , Hidalgo . Soon after the warehouse opens , the materials ’ freight operation began , as did other services during the next decades . Up until today the corporation is segmented in four large business units : - Cargo and logistics - Truck maintenance , tire retreading - Fuel and power supply for different trades - Mining ( extraction , shipment and sales )

“ We are consolidating our existing business lines by creating new business opportunities for each ”

– Noe Paredes , CEO , Corporativo UNNE
UNNE ’ s entire operation involves a network comprised of local businesses , companies known nationwide and global corporations , enabling the company to bring goods from air , land and sea into Mexico ’ s largest markets , making it seem like shipment ’ s distance and costs are being reduced .
“ One of the facts I ’ m proudest of was the transition from being a family-run business into a fully-established company in order to partner with global corporations ,” says Noe Paredes , CEO for UNNE , and part of the front office since 1992 after completing his education in Business Management , which were followed by a Top Management course .
In recent years , Mexican companies able to
102 October 2014