SupplyChain Magazine October 2014 | Page 124

large or Small projeCtS , safety is our # 1 priority .

Since 2009 , Champion Scaffold Services has equipped Bay Area homeowners , commercial general contractors , and businesses with superior products and exemplary services . Priding ourselves on outstanding customer service and high quality production , our staff , management , and qualified estimators will be readily available to aid you from initial inquiry to dismantle . Our goal is to establish a beneficial relationship with our customers in order to produce a safe , reliable infrastructure , allowing your project to proceed without delay .
CommerCial , reSidential and induStrial projeCtS | inStallation and diSmantle Stair towerS | Hill SideS | mobile towerS | large SHipS
1563 SOlanO ave . BOx # 332 • Berkeley , Ca . 94707 510-788-4731 • Fax : 510-327-0301 • www . championscaffold . com