06 C . H Robinson Worldwide
05 FedEx Freight
TOP 10
06 C . H Robinson Worldwide
CH Robinson provides freight transportation services to and logistics solutions to companies through a network of branch offices in North America , Europe , Asia , South America , and the Middle East . An impressive number 86 on the Forbes 2000 list , mainly due to its $ 12.75 billion sales and $ 7.69 billion market capital , CH Robinson is another trucking big hitter .
05 FedEx Freight
Again , like its competitors UPS , the global brand of FedEx has its own trucking arm , and it is doing very well too . With $ 356 million of revenue in the division alone , and with the clout of the wider conglomerate behind it , there is every reason to believe FedEx Freight will continue to expand and at least consolidate in the middle of our list .
38 October 2014