EUROPE tolerant , the client requires the part as soon as possible , but you are not allowed to bring the machine down until 2300 hrs Saturday evening as it will affect their business . So you can only take it down at that point , fix it and bring it back up to being operational again .
“ The cloud is not creating a challenge , it makes life easier from a logistics viewpoint . We do have challenges in the international environment in terms of regulations , import / exports controls and so on . But having full tolerance cloud computing technology on our side is a definite benefit .”
In the near future IBM Supply Chain believes there will be a lot of focus on spare parts and in order to get a business up and running each company needs to invest for these kind of requirements . Hazewinkel and Neomagus agree the key is to collaborating and making partnerships .
New innovations for IBM include the commodity-based lifecycle forecasting which involves spare part usage and intelligent calculations . It determines where in the lifecycle a machine is and then plans how the demand of the part is likely to evolve over the next two years and in case of Last Time Buys over the remainder of the life cycle , possibly resulting in less inventory and a more proactive approach .
Now it seems IBM are well placed to imprint its synonymous brand into new realms , just as it has with more traditional components for more than a century .
Company Information
Supply Chain
Amsterdam , Netherlands
431.212 ( IBM Annual Report 2013 )
$ 99,751 mio USD ( IBM Annual Report 2013 )
IT Services , spare part services www . ibm . com / software / products / en / category / supply-chain-management 55