Staff This attention to detail and commitment to accuracy is mirrored by the mentality of KNAPP AB ’ s 70-strong workforce , and instilling an even greater sense of pride in performance has been key to Thögersen ’ s improvement strategy since his appointment in 2013 .
Having gained extensive supply chain experience in various roles , the new MD set to enhancing the working environment and opportunities for KNAPP AB ’ s 75 staff , applying a style of leadership based on his passion for sports management .
“ It is important to have trust and belief in your employees ,” he said . “ I have applied an ‘ outsidein ’ way of thinking where we are driven by and adapt to the market and the customers .”
Customer service has been a focus area , with the service technician personnel increased fivefold and further growth planned . “ If things go in the right direction we will double that team in three years ,” Thögersen said .
“ In trying to be an agile company , we get very motivated , committed people , and this is something we have improved in the last couple of years . Noone has quit the company in the last year ; in fact three or four key people have actually returned .”
As it continues to innovate , motivate and set the standard as a flexible , responsive company , attracting and retaining the industry ’ s best talent , KNAPP AB can be confident that its ambitious goals are well within reach .
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Supply Chain
Astorp , Sweden
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