a . the project management team ’ s ability to identify and describe the flags that will indicate that a specific scenario is playing out ; b . their ability to recognize the flags when they present themselves ; and c . acting correctly once the flags have indicated their message .
The scenarios applicable to the project environment along with the indicator flags must be thoroughly workshopped at the outset of the project . The project management team must then empower the project team to watch out for these flags and to report them when they appear . The project steering committee is provided with the required information on the scenarios and flags and they are empowered to act appropriately to steer the project in the desired direction .
This becomes a separate and very strategic topic on the agendas of project progress and project steering committee meetings . Project managers and executives must guard against trivializing this important component of helicopter view project monitoring .
“ Projects do not exist in isolation , there are always factors both outside and within the control of the project team that affect the successful outcome of the project ”