WELCOME TO THE October issue of Supply Chain Digital - what a bumper edition we have in store for you this month .
As you ’ ll have no doubt already noticed , our cover star this month is none other than Stéphane Masson , Senior Vice President of Global Procurement at Marriott International .
In an in-depth interview , he reveals the strategy behind changing the organisation ’ s supply chain strategy from being US-centric to globally focused . Turn to page 42 to read the interview in full .
Continuing the ‘ big interview ’ theme this month , Supply Chain Digital sits down with Paul Alexander , Head of Indirect Procurement at BP , to get his thoughts on what constitutes a good leader in business .
An old head in procurement , Alexander speaks illuminatingly on the importance of inspiring staff , and giving them the tools and resources to learn on the job . For more , turn to page 10
You will also find an interview with Pierre Francois Thaler , Chief Executive and Co-Founder of Ecovadis , which has carved out an important niche analysing the sustainability of companies ’ supply chains .
Our Top 10 this month looks at the world ’ s busiest container ports . Turn to page 34 to begin the countdown .
And in this packed issue , we run the rule over a number of leading global businesses , including Woolworths , PCI Limited , BDP International , and Chassis Brakes . You can also follow us on Twitter Facebook and LinkedIn .
Enjoy the issue ! www . supplychaindigital . com www . bizclikmedia . com