SupplyChain Magazine April 2022 | Page 15

Retail ' dragging heels ' on Scope 3 supply chain emissions

Retail is falling behind other sectors when it comes to tackling Scope 3 emissions in the supply chain , a leading supply figure has said .
Simon Geale , Executive VP at procurement specialist Proxima , says that in retail there is no clear path towards sustainability and that this is causing problems .
He points to vastly different approaches to Scope 3 emissions from one retailer , Costco , to another - Walmart .
In response to shareholders ’ votes for tougher net-zero goals , Costco has said they cannot directly control supplier actions , whereas Walmart is working to reduce Scope 3 emissions by incentivising suppliers with early payments if they score highly on sustainability .
“ Simply put , Walmart can make a brand act and Costco can ’ t ,” he says . “ Costco is feeling the noise of sustainability but has not yet felt the pain , because its customers value price and quantity above all else .”
This will all change , he says , when customers start voting with their wallets when it comes to retailers ’ sustainability performances .
� PROCUREMENT PROFESSIONALS The pandemic has seen a sharp rise in the stock of the procurement profession in the eyes of C-suiters , because procurement has done more than any business function to overcome supply disruption and they ’ re also ideally placed to help their firms on sustainability issues .
� AI & DRONE TECHNOLOGY New research from supply chain management specialist Blue Yonder found that in 2021 AI & drones were the techs being most rapidly adopted by companies looking to digitally transform .
� MEDICAL DEVICE MANUFACTURERS Stockpiling life-or-death components to bypass supply disruption means medical companies ’ may be opening themselves up to supply chain cyber attacks if they don ’ t properly vet new suppliers .
� LOGISTICS PROVIDERS After Russia invaded Ukraine , Oil prices soared to US $ 3.0134 a gallon , a gain of 16.39 cents . This will increase the cost of freight , by sea , rail and road - at a time when logistics has never been more expensive



S APR 22


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