10,000 BC 2500 BC 1300
Nomadic man ’ s natural food packaging
Packaging started with humankind ’ s need to store and transport food while on the hoof . Historians believe that during our nomadic hunter-gatherer days , materials such as leaves , animal skins and gourds were used to store and transport foodstuffs .
The ancients discover glass and paper
The ancient Egyptians were the first people to discover glass-blowing technology , and to mould glass into food and water containers . In ancient China , meanwhile , paper making was discovered , and was used as a flexible packaging for medicines and loose tea .
Medievals roll out the barrel
The Middle Ages saw a rise in popularity of wooden packaging , in the shape of barrels and boxes , both for storage and transportation . Barrels were typically used for sea travel , and contained rum , dried food , and fresh water . Barrel-makers - called coopers - were highly valued tradesmen .
16 April 2022