everything we do ,” Bell says . “ There were clear ambitions in the corporation about certain strands of responsible procurement , but we wanted to build that all together and have a focus on social value , environmental wellbeing and ethical sourcing in everything that we do .”
Technological innovation has taken the procurement discipline to new heights and , not one to be left behind , City Procurement has made it the fourth and final pillar of its strategy . Enhancing efficiency across its sourcing , City Procurement has implemented e-procurement , e-invoicing , purchasing cards and accounts payable forensics to work in a more innovative way . “ We introduced more and more innovation and technology and this was growing in line with the maturity of our procurement function . For example , we worked with Lloyd ’ s Bank to bring in purchasing cards which helped to drive better process efficiency and value for money .
“ We also worked with Bravo Solutions and Basware to introduce an e-tendering solution and create an e-catalogue and e-invoicing regime which have been great partnerships .”
A strong procurement team is nothing without sincere relationships with suppliers and partners alike . At the City of London Corporation , Bell says that its strong reputation and eye for continuous improvement has helped its procurement function grow .
“ I think suppliers just like to be told and be advised what we ' re trying to achieve . We had a supplier day two weeks ago
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