SupplyChain Magazine August 2018 | Page 22

22 where we had 150 suppliers turn up for our major works contract , which is not out in the market as yet . That would have just been unheard of four years ago ,” notes Bell .
“ We are seen as a prestigious organisation . We are fair to suppliers , supplying them with the right information to tell them what we ’ re trying to achieve and that ’ s been key . We have also partnered with other organisations who are perhaps stronger in more specialist areas to bring in new knowledge and expertise .
“ During my time at the City Corporation , one of the more specialist , challenging and iconic projects has been the building of a new swimming pool at our Freeman ’ s School ,” adds Bell . “ Finding a construction delivery partner with the correct experience and willingness to work in a live school environment was key . Gilbert Ash proved to be this and more , delivering an outstanding facility that has been a worthy winner at design awards across the country recently .
“ Our organisation has a wide and varied range of services it provides . In an ever-changing environment with a need to transform , having access to consultants in a competitive arena is key . Partnering with companies such as Bloom offered us an advantage .”