EUROPE buildings up , and everybody who goes back in comes from somewhere else . We want to retain the community that exists in the north of Westminster in the Church Street ward area .”
Six new schemes supporting the City for All vision will enable the procurement team to deliver quality outcomes . One of the most significant will be employment and the creation of opportunities for residents to gain essential skills within the workplace . This can be provided through apprenticeships and work experience , in addition to investment in advice centres to support individuals to return to work . This in turn creates a domino effect with regards to the other areas of focus : economic independence , quality of life , resilient communities , world-class environment and clean air . Oliver explains , “ If , through our procurements and with our suppliers ’ help , we can get more people back into work , it creates a knock-on effect , because once you ’ ve got people back into work , the impact that has on a family creates aspirations . We want our residents to have aspirations and have those choices , but it really starts to have an impact on a family once we ’ re able to make those differences .”
Sustainability has become an important focus , and there is a procurement lead at the council who ensures that all procurement activity is aligned with the council ’ s social policy vision . This vision also extends to enabling families to make informed health choices . “ Whether we are building or helping with employment outreach or helping with some of our public health procurement activities – we actually see the outcomes and that ’ s what leads back to a city of aspiration because we are creating those aspirations ,” comments Oliver . With significant investment for a new technical college , Milton University Technical College , in addition to a £ 26 million investment for a sports leisure centre and a £ 2 million community centre at the Jubilee Site , the council aims to give local communities the best possible support .
The Category Management team works with customers across the organisation and also collaborate
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