SupplyChain Magazine January 2020 | Page 16

To resolve these issues , the business implemented a back to basics operational excellence framework . Supported by a team of subject matter experts from Indonesia , sponsored by Gigy Philip , Supply Chain Director ( Indonesia ) and led by Agus Salim , Technical Manager ( Indonesia ), who focused on optimising the end-to-end supply chain . “ One issue was just around process and control , trying to give some structure to all of the basic processes that are required to run a supply chain ,” says Robinson .
“ Implementing daily stand up meetings , control boards and disciplined routines was an important part of the program . Implementing controls around raw materials ordering , demand planning , procurement and inventory management , was important to stop the leakage of profit out of the business .”
A major focus for the team was on operational excellence within manufacturing . “ There was a dedicated team working on building local capability , optimising the equipment and upgrading utilities within manufacturing to