SupplyChain Magazine July 2017 | Page 63

MIDDLE EAST introducing automation in SAP functionality , Tasnee has come up with innovative ways to speed up the procurement process and improve overall performance ,” Al Suwaiti says .
The company has also signed an agreement with SAP Ariba to tap into the leading cloudbased procurement platform and implement a comprehensive tool to cover the entire P2P chain .
Already , the company is reaping the rewards for investing in technology , with an additional 20 percent savings generated in some categories as a direct result of implementing reverse e-auction capabilities .
Sustainability As a global player in procurement , Tasnee invests a significant amount of money into ensuring that the company operates an ethical , sustainable supply chain . As a company that oversees large volumes of imports and exported goods , Tasnee prides itself on the accountability of itself and its suppliers .
“ Through the procurement transformation , we were able to implement a category management structure , introduce BUYER approach which laid out standard sourcing guidelines , strengthened our organisation through recruitment of qualified resources and providing extensive training , developed standard reporting , and rolled out strategic technology initiatives .” adds Al Suwaiti .
The Tasnee procurement transformation program has been immensely successful and continues www . tasnee . com 63