to deliver results in the form of :
• Average savings of 10 percent for services , 8 percent for MRO and 3 percent for chemicals and packaging amounting to total realised savings of 150 + Mn SAR to date since the inception of the program in 2016
• Enhanced the transaction time by 24 percent
• Increased coverage of framework agreements
“ More and more collaboration between companies in the form of Group
Purchasing Organizations ( GPOs ) aimed at leveraging purchasing power and enhancing service efficiencies is also one of the trends in procurement .” adds Al Suwaiti .
Running alongside these initiativesis the company ’ s Centralised Procurement Manual , a series of policies and procedures which detail the way in which the company operates . Tasnee has taken great strides in holding its employees accountable to complying with the policies laid out in this manual and acts on this through audits and further training opportunities .
As a company , Tasnee values the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility deep within its central mission . “ Our mission is to achieve the interest of the society by preserving the environment and
< Tasnee has been
recognised for excellence in social responsibility
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