SupplyChain Magazine June 2017 | Page 59

SUPPLY CHAIN independent company , publicly traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange , in which Toshiba Corporation holds a little over 50 percent of the shares .
Thus TGCS and TABS operate independently of one another , however as TGCS Senior VP Global Operations Steven Mensch indicates , in supply chain matters they work closely together : “ We have been working across the whole operation to look for synergies between the two companies to make us more efficient ever since Toshiba Tec ’ s acquisition in 2012 of IBM ’ s Retail Store Solutions ( RSS ) division .” Mensch has supply chain ownership for TGCS . “ We and TABS operate somewhat differently . TABS focus is the Americas while TGCS has a global focus with operations in 45 countries .” POS equipment , he explains , is a high volume , highly customized segment . And it is a growing one , despite the inroads of online purchasing which has only served to stimulate innovation as the ‘ frictionless ’ check-out comes closer to reality . “ How do we make the process as frictionless as we can ? We are seeing significant growth in self-check-out volumes as retailers move into that space . We want to make shopping more pleasurable , convenient , faster .”
To meet demand TGCS currently uses a set of strategic manufacturing partners in Asia , shipping through Tier 1 strategic fulfillment / EMS partner , which currently takes on pick and pack fulfillment and late customization and configuration . “ Utilizing this strategic partner , we are working toward a shift
B-EX6 Peel off label L
B-EX6 half-open ribbon label
DB-EA4D with DuplexPackSlip Label
B-FP3 With Label MidRight business . toshiba . com / usa / index . html 59