SupplyChain Magazine June 2017 | Page 60

in that model to leverage their overall strategic capabilities and in geo manufacturing .” This will also involve increasing the partner involvement in global logistics – which already has taken on inbound logistics support , providing them full visibility over incoming components , raw materials and finished goods – eventually outsourcing manufacturing all to the same partner . “ It will allow us to reduce inventory , reduce lead times , keep a single touch on product and reduce our cost structure ,” Mensch adds .
There ’ s no doubt that the experience gained here will benefit the supply chain within TABS too , though it has a very different model having its own manufacturing and distribution facilities in the United States and Asia . “ We cooperate with TGCS on supply chain matters ,” says Steve Tungate , TABS ’ VP and General Manager of Service , Supply Chain & Innovation . Together with VP of Operations Sue Wilson and Steven Mensch they form a supply chain triumvirate that works to create better solutions for the customer and the business alike .
The mature and very competitive market for printers and copiers is still the backbone of the TABS business , though the digital signage and thermal barcode printing segments are growing fast . “ That means we have to manage a much
60 June 2017