ASIA influence ,” he says . “ It ’ s really about how we prioritise , how we put our stakeholders first , but also how we think about supporting our company . We really introduced this as being the most trusted business advisor , and while making an attempt to realise this we also have to take up the guardianship responsibility . And if you ’ re not guardians of the company , you ’ re not really being a trusted business advisor , either .
“ To be able to perform basic tasks fast , we have to adopt and develop the technology side of procurement , so we embarked on the journey of creating a managed marketplace platform . Like it or not , digital technology is taking over our lives and business processes – digitalisation is here to stay . Technology is transforming the way we work , discover , connect , and collaborate with our trading partners . It allows access , insights , and intelligences that enable us to make better or more informed decisions .”
The importance of employees Singh attributes the success of Cushman & Wakefield ’ s procurement team in India to various necessary qualities , starting from within . Hiring the right people is vital , he states , and is part of what has changed the game for the business . “ People are as critical to procurement as the customers . It is people , not computers , that drive strategies .
“ First you have to build a strong team , and then create a strong delegation matrix which gives all members both freedom and a purpose ,” he explains . “ This matrix style of organisation with financial limits , high competency , and uniform processes allows employees to make decisions quickly and efficiently .”
Cushman & Wakefield goes out of its way to hire the absolute best and best-fitting staff , offering the finest training and workshops available to ensure staff are up-to-date on industry trends and the relevant requirements for their job roles .
“ For training and skill enhancement , I believe in crosswww . cushmanwakefield . com 87