SupplyChain Magazine June 2017 | Page 88

functional exposure , which involves working collaboratively with stakeholders ,” Singh states . “ We also send employees to industry forums on their specific subjects ; these things are key for skill enrichment . Freedom and flexibility at all levels with the team , empowerment , and what we call ‘ external breathing ’ are pivotal . The collaborative relationships we have with our staff bring everyone closer together .”
For Singh , organised and streamlined in-office processes allow for an organised and streamlined supply chain operations : “ The supply chain management functions depend hugely on the supplier and manufacturer community outside the organisation ,” he says . Logistics is built up of many streams and moving parts in many directions , and in Singh ’ s words , “ Procurement is the heart of the organisation and to the supplier community , so it ’ s all about the win-win partnership for and with them . Therefore it becomes imperative for us to be very agile .
“ Everything in the procurement and logistics world moves very quickly , and people have to know how to prioritise and manage the dynamic environment . They need to be able to work as a team as well as alone , have the ability to stand up for themselves , and challenge themselves .”
Supplier relations The importance of suppliers is paramount for any business , but for Singh and his team , suppliers are considered partners , and collaboration between them is sacred .
“ The clients you are servicing are so important , and suppliers are an extension of your team ,” he says . “ Good suppliers are quickly identified by how capable they are , and they are the ones we keep close for the entire journey of supply chain management .”
Singh is openly passionate about this part of his job : acquiring and keeping close the best suppliers , treating them with a respect often only reserved for customers , and forming a trusted network . For a business like Cushman & Wakefield , the significance of a strong logistics network cannot be underestimated . Singh believes that bringing suppliers
88 June 2017