new dispatch program to meet our specific needs . We ’ re also finishing installing GPS tracking systems in every truck so our dispatchers can know at all times where our trucks are and better distribute them on the territory we serve in order to respond more effectively to our customers .”
Adaptation is key , as the market is quite a difficult one to be in . However , Matte sees that more as a chance to excel rather than be hindered .
“ The wood market that we ’ re in is not growing — it ’ s actually been going down since the crisis in
2008 ,” she explained . “ It started with a wood crisis which was followed up by the financial crisis . This challenges us to innovate more and diversify our operations in order to maintain our position on the market .”
The company is constantly looking for the best employees and to seize opportunities that could lead to furthering its growth . In the end , though , it all comes back to the family .
“ The hard work of all our family members has made us what we are today ,” Matte said . “ Our family has always considered the well-being of
118 October 2014