SupplyChain Magazine October 2014 | Page 132

Time to go Lean .

Over 27 years ago , Peregrine , Inc . invented the Quad-Steer Trackerâ„¢ material-handling trailer . There is still only one Quad-Steer Trackerâ„¢ . We have produced several types of trailers and accessories to fit thousands of applications . We do the dirty work and provide custom engineering at no cost to best fit your application while maintaining the highest standards for safety and ergonomics . Since cost drives your business , put low maintenance and product life expectancy on your bottom line .
P O S I T I V E - T R A C K I N G T R A I L E R S
800-777-3433 | www . peregrine-inc . com
5301 North 57th Street Suite 102 | Lincoln , NE 68507-3164 | Phone : ( 402 ) 466-4011 | Fax : ( 402 ) 466-1639