SupplyChain Magazine October 2014 | Page 133


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supply chain , ensuring everything is running as expected . Also , clients are able to fully view and understand everything from CLI ’ s end as well , giving customers the highest level of confidence that there will be no surprises , monetary or otherwise .
With its 99.97 % inventory accuracy rate , 99.4 % on-time delivery rate , and less than five defects per million , CLI is one of the best in the business when it comes to logistics and supply chain management .
While these numbers are certainly impressive , stay tuned for our feature next month where we ’ ll break down what makes Comprehensive Logistics so successful .
Comprehensive Logistics Co . Inc . ( CLI ) gives you the lean , flexible supply chain you need to compete in today ’ s complex , unpredictable business environment . We are a premier , non-assetbased provider of engineered logistics services for complex supply chains . As an award-winning thirdparty logistics provider , we are experienced in exceeding the most stringent logistics requirements .
www . complog . com 133