ambition was to create and maintain a ‘ trust centric ’ partnership , where everyone worked collectively together with a ‘ fix first , discuss later ’ culture . There is a risk and reward mechanism in place where each of the partners put a percentage of their fees at risk to ensure collaboration is endemic across the ecosystem ,” Thomas says . “ Experience to date has been positive with the ‘ One team ’ culture prevalent .”
AIB still has its own technology team , which is split into two vital component parts . The first handles running the bank ’ s services and driving operational excellence , led by the Chief Information Officer , Tim Hynes . The second is a digital group , driving the front end customer experience and dealing with new challenges that digital transformation presents , led by Seamus Murphy , AIB ’ s Chief Digital Officer . Both units leverage the expertise of AIB ’ s partners .
“ Our partners will support us developing and delivering excellence in customer service through transformation of our technology services ,” says Hynes .
Mutual benefits
Thomas explains how AIB has looked at examples of many other banks and taken what he sees as the best elements of various outsourcing strategies . While cost has been a benefit , the dominating motive behind the partnership network is all about improving AIB ’ s capability and supporting the delivery of its ‘ Simple & Efficient ’ transformation programme .
“ Our partner selection criteria is different , depending on the service line ,” adds Fagan . “ For example , if you look at eir , they have a strong indigenous network . We ’ re not looking for a large global telecoms player to come in and just front somebody ’ s infrastructure . We ’ re looking for incountry investment and long term investment in the development and quality of the network , because that ’ s going to impact the experience of our customers , from a branch perspective .
46 October 2016