SupplyChain Magazine October 2020 | Page 64


“ We have seen a surge in digital twin technology , to not only help address immediate business needs , but to future-proof and help build resiliency for the long-term ”

— Jonathan Bailey , Director of Business Transformation , EuroNorth , Dassault Systèmes
It is important that for any technology deployment that the effort to introduce a digital twin is led by the business . Companies that clearly understand the value potential and opportunities to gain an edge will be in the best position . For example , by better understanding and protecting bottleneck assets in the supply chain , a company can increase throughput , improve service levels and react faster to changes in its sales portfolio . According to BCG , to create sustainable change , companies should address three enablers from the start :
• Changing processes so that they can effectively use the new insights .
• Building up the required capabilities and changing the way of working .
• Leveraging a data and digital platform in order to release data from core IT systems and quickly build analyticsbased minimum viable products .
Ultimately , Murthi believes that the ‘ winners ’ are the companies that are proactive and agile . “ From a recent LLamasoft retail research report , the