SupplyChain Magazine February 2019 | Page 15

“ Digitisation is literally what everyone is talking about and it ’ s making companies how they can embrace digital in order to move forward ”

— Johan Reventberg , President , EMEA at JDA Software
13 strategic value that we can help them achieve and how better to compete with competitors ,” says Reventberg . “ Through our software and our service , we work with customers to take their supply chain to the next level .”
JDA works with companies to help them navigate the digital world in order to extract value and to provide industry best practice . Reventberg himself describes JDA as a company that is the good guy wanting to help both existing and new companies to win in the marketplace by being supply chain focused . As the supply chain and procurement landscape has evolved , this has placed greater pressure on companies to wake up to technology ,
. supplychaindigital . com